Sport & Extra Curricular Activities
It has been proved beyond doubt that to prepare the students to take the challenges of the competitive world, imparting only curriculum education does not help. For overall development of a child, sports and extracurricular activities play a very important role.
The entire student strength of the school has been divided into four HOUSES and inter-house tournaments are conducted to inculcate competitive spirit & sports-manship in the students and also train them to take defeats positively. Star sportsmen are selected out of the house terms and coached to take part in the school terms who ultimately participate in inter school competitions.
The extracurricular activities include training the students in areas such as dance, music, essay writing, elocution, dramatics and debating. The students are en-couraged to take part in sports and extracurricular activities as per their atitude and choice so that they can polish their talent and excel in their areas of interest.