Useful Tips for a Healthy Child

All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their wards:

           1. To maintain personal hygiene like cutting of nails, washing hair on a regular basis.

           2. To exercise regularly.

           3. To sleep for at least eight hours daily.

           4. To have a balanced diet.

           5. To drink water which is either bolled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bag from home.

           6. To avoid consumption of ice-cream, other milk products and eatables from road side vendors.

           7. To de-worm the child once every year. (Advice to be taken from your family physician)

           8.To get dental and ophthalmic check up done once every year by a dental surgeon and opthalmologist respectively.

           9. To immunize your child as per schedule given below:

                     (a) BCG                                                  To be completed before

                     (b) DPT                                                   To be completed before

                     (c) Oral Polio                                        To be completed before

                     (d) Measles/MMR

                     (e) DPT at 5 years of age

                     (f) Tetanus – Booster dose to be given between 7-16 years of age and also to be given if injured.

                     (g) Typhoid                                          once every year preferably

                     (h) Cholera                                          in the month of March

                     (i) Hepatitis

                     (j) Meningitis                                        Optional but recommended

           10. If there is any infectious disease at your home, please report the fact to the Principal at once and do not send your ward to school till the infectious period is over.

           11. Students suffering from diseases such as chicken pox, cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping-Cough and Jaundice must observe the prescribed period of quarantine as advised by the  doctor.

           12. Students suffering from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis., Dermatitis, Scabies, etc. should not be sent to school.

           13. Students suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, Rheumatic heart disease, etc, are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a specialized doctor. History of their illness must be informed to the level co-ordinator in writing along with the treatment being taken.